
Predictive factors of mortality in patients admitted to the emergency department with vitamin K antagonists overdose

VKA overdose is frequently diagnosed in patients admitted to the emergency department (ED). The most common adverse reaction is bleeding causing life threatening situation
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Can the Suicide intent Scale be used in deliberate self-poisoning patients seen in the emergency department ?

This issue of TJEM includes a study of Jebri Rania and alaiming to assess the prognostic value of the Suicide intent Scale (SiS) in deliberate self-poisoning (dSP) patients seen in the emergency department.
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Is it too safe to prescribe VKA for our old patients ?

Vitamin K antagonists (VKA) are widely prescribed for the prevention and treatment of romboembolic pathologies
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Base Excess in severe trauma patients: useful or excess?

Severity of trauma and development of systemic in€ammatory response syndrome have been studied as eective factors by causing in€flammation
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Acute headache revealing Fahr’s syndrome in Emergency Department

Fahr’s syndrome is a rare entity encountered in emergency medicine and characterized by a large clinical spectrum. It can be idiopathic ,known as Fahr’s disease and related to an autosomic genetic dominant transmission, or secondary to multiple causes.
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Threatening Intra-alveolar haemorrhage revealing lungworts metastases of a malignant melanoma

The intra-alveolar-haemorrhage(IAH) corresponds to a clinicopathoglogical syndrome characterized by intraalveolar accumulation of red blood cells that originates from the interstitial capillaries
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Gayet-Wernicke’s encephalopathy complicating vomiting on the grounds of hyperemesis gravidarum

Gayet- Wernicke’s encephalopathy is a rare neurological pathology which is due to a thiamine de!ciency. It is considered as a neurological emergency and may lead to death if untreated
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Pulmonary embolism in deep waters: A rare diagnosis

Diving accidents include several entities varying in severity. Decompression accidents (DA) represent 30-60% of diving accidents (1)
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Anomalous circumex coronary artery: A rare cause of acute myocardial infarction

The circum€ex branch originating in the right coronary artery is the most common anatomical variations of the coronary artery
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